Collaboration across cultures and disciplines
Articles in scientific journals
Sexual and reproductive health services use among adolescents in pastoralist settings, northeastern Ethiopia. Nejimu Biza Zepro, Nuruhussen Tahir Ali, Natalie Tarr, Araya Medhanyie, Daniel Henry Paris, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Sonja Merten. BMC Health Services Research 23 (1), June 2023 Lived Experiences and Perceptions of Childbirth among Pastoralist Women in North-Eastern Ethiopia: A Multimethod Qualitative Analysis to the WHO Health Systems Responsiveness Framework. Zepro, Nejimu Biza, Araya Abrha Medhanyie, Afework Mulugeta Bezabih, Natalie Tarr, Sonja Merten. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 23: 12518. 2021 The language of justice: when the colonial past is invited into the courtroom. Études de Lettres 3-4: 155-172, 2017.
Book chapters
La Langue de la Justice : quand le Passé Colonial s’invite dans la Salle d’Audience. In: Bearth, Thomas and Djouroukoro Diallo (eds.). African multilingualism and the Agenda 2030 / Multilinguisme africain et l’Agenda 2030. LIT-Verlag: Münster / Berlin, 2021: 249-272. Bintou and Alain. In: Figures of Interpretation. B.A.S.S. Meier-Lorente-Mutz-Duchêne (eds.). Multilingual Matters: Bristol, 2021: 34-38. Is the language of justice a just language for all? Comparing interpreting practices in Burkina Faso’s and Senegal’s penal courts (with Aly Sambou). In: Harding-Esch, Philip and Hywel Coleman (eds.) Language and Sustainable Development Goals. Selected Proceedings of the 12th Language and Development Conference, Dakar, Senegal, 2017. London: British Council: 187-196, 2021.
DVD Review of Bornand, Sandra and Cécile Leguy 2014. Paroles d’Afrique. Musée d’éthnographie de l’université de Bordeaux (MEB), Cultures, langues textes (CNRS) and Langage et cultures d’Afrique noire (CNRS Inalco). In Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 1/2019: 35-38. Book Review of Roth, Claudia (2012)†, Willemijn de Jong, Manfred Perlik, Noemi Steuer, and Heinzpeter Znoj (eds) (2018), Urban Dreams. Transformations of Family Life in Burkina Faso. In Africa Spectrum, 53(3): 131–133, 2018.
Felwine Sarr at the Kunstmuseum Basel (04.06.2023). Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 2/2023: 21-23. Symposium “50 years Medicus Mundi Switzerland: The Changing Role of Civil Society Organizations in International Health Cooperation and Global Health” (02.11.2023 at Volkshaus Basel) (with Martina Staenke). Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 2/2023: 31-35. Announcement: The Africa Bookshelf, a virtual library of fiction and faction from and on Africa (with Giovanni Casagrande). Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 2/2022: 8-9. BASEL DEBATES: Was kümmert uns “Afrika”? (kHaus, Basel 09.11.2022). Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 2/2022: 26-28. Swiss Researching Africa Days (Bern October 2020) (with Andri Schläpfer, Mamadou Bobo Diallo, Simone Schnabel, Mahamadou Faganda Keita, Ueli Staeger, Dag Henrichsen, Floriane Morin, Ruedi Küng): A participant’s view. Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 1/2021: 10-12. Wherever We Are, We are All Facing the Same Problems. (with Mamane Tassiou Amadou). Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 2/2019: 39-44. 12th International Language and Development Conference: Language and the Sustainable Developement Goals (Dakar, 27.-29.11.2017) (with Gabi Slezak). Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 1/2018: 21-23. Rencontres, Begegnungen, Encounters: Ibrahima Thioub (Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar), Lire l’Afrique à partir de l’expérience de la connexion atlantique XVe – XXe siècles (with Mohomodou Houssouba). Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 1/2017: 49-52 1st School of Languages Conference, SOLCON 1, at the University of Ghana, Legon (Accra, 27.-29.10.2015). Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 2/2015: 31-33 Blaise ist weg! Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 1/2015: 45-47. 28ème Salon du livre et de la presse (Genf, 30.04.-04.05.2014). Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 2/2014: 27-29. 21. Afrikanistentag. Bi-annual Conference on African Languages, Literatures and History (Bayreuth, 10.-11.06.2014). Newsletter ssas/ssea/sgas 2/2014: 36-38
Presentations at conferences
Panel organization and moderation: Another way of seeing: fiction and faction from and on Africa. Swiss Researching Africa Days, University of Bern, Switzerland 28 October 2022. Organization and moderation of Conference: The First Regional Days – the Horn of Africa at the Center for African Studies, University of Basel, 18 March 2022. Symposium organization and moderation: Critical Reflection, Practices and Ethics Day, University of Basel, Switzerland, 9 September 2021. Presentation with team colleagues from Swiss TPH on: The Ethics of Conducting Research with Vulnerable People and in Conflict Settings and Politically Instable Situations. Presentation: Communication in the Contact Zone: the challenges of interpreting justice in Senegal and Burkina Faso (with Aly Sambou). Language and Development Conference, LDC, Dakar, Senegal, 28 November 2017. Panel co-organization: Managing linguistic diversity in urban Africa, co-organized with Mohomodou Houssouba, University of Basel, and Gabriele Slezak, University of Vienna, at the European Conference of African Studies, ECAS7, Basel, 30 June 2017. Presentation: Kafka au Burkina: qui a invité le français au tribunal? Panel co-organization: Translating & Interpreting in plurilingual settings: Communicative strategies to maneuver administration in West Africa, co-organized with Gabriele Slezak, University of Vienna, at the Swiss Researching Africa Days, SRAD, University of Bern, 4 November 2016. Presentation: Interpreting the Administration: Burkina Faso's Courts in Translation. Presentation: Mother Tongues and Other Tongues: a multitude of choices? 1st School of Languages Conference, SOLCON1. Accra: University of Ghana, 28 October 2015. Panel co-organization: African Academics: aspirations, mobilities and trajectories, co-organized with Etienne Piguet, University of Neuchâtel, at the Swiss Researching Africa Days, SRAD, University of Bern, 17 October 2014. Presentation: Le Message Choisit la Langue: Language Attitudes among University Students in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
Seminars, Symposia, and Workshops
Workshop organization at the Institut des sciences des sociétés (INSS) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 4-5 June 2018. Topic: Interprétation communautaire au Burkina Faso. Organization of workshop at the Institute of Multilingualism, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 6-8 October 2017.Topic: Public Service and Community/Court Interpreting in Africa. Presentation: Communication in the Contact Zone: Kafka in the Courtroom? Public Service and Community Interpreting in Africa. Symposium: Language and language use in Africa: issues in research and everyday situations, University of Berne, 11 May 2017. Presentation: Interpreting the Administration: Burkina Faso's Courts in Translation. Langue de cour: quand le passé colonial s’invite au tribunal. Presentation at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 12 April 2017 Interpreting the Administration: Burkina Faso's Courts in Translation. Presentation at Département des Langues étrangères appliquées, LEA, Université Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Senegal, 30 March 2017. CODESRIA & ZASB summer school in African Studies: Presentation: Interpreting the Administration: Burkina Faso's Courts in Translation. CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal, 23 August 2016. Presentation at the Department of African Studies, University of Vienna, Austria, 24 June 2015. Mother Tongues and other Tongues – a Multitude of Choices?